13364 White Plains Road, Milan, IN 47031

39°09'45.66" N 85°03'58.62" W

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Birthday Party - May 15

Young Master Hicks will be enjoying his third birthday by whooping it up along with is young cowboy friends on the afternoon of Saturday, May 15 at the Bowman Barn. You may want to steer clear of these desperados - they are known to be armed with REALLY sticky hands! Hullabaloo starts just after nap time (c. 2 pm). You are warned.

Girl Scouts - June 5-6

The park board is pleased to welcome the Girl Scouts and their parents who will holding Bridging Ceremony activities at the Bohman Barn and adjacent youth activities area on the weekend of June 5th and 6th. Those expecting to use the park should plan accordingly.

Congratulations on your hard work and perseverance, ladies!

Graduation Party - June 26

The Wilkening Family will be using the Bohman Barn at Gladys Russell from 3pm to dusk on June 26th for a graduation party. Those planning to use the park should plan accordingly.

Our congratulations to the new graduate - may the best that life has to offer greet you going forward.